23 Jul 2015

How to configure PhpStorm for Laravel

If you develop web applications you certainly heard of Laravel, a PHP framework that uses HMVC architectural pattern, currently at version 5.1.4. The best IDE currently available for Laravel is JetBrains PhpStorm, available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. However, once installed, the IDE must be configured to be able to offer

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20 Jul 2015

Linux: how to change default editor

Sometimes Linux default editor (usually “you” or “vim”) is not the most comfortable, especially for users that often use other editors like “nano”. There are several online tutorials on how to change the default editor, but those procedures are often wrong and we realize that when, for example, we try to edit crontab

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12 Jul 2015

Linux scripting: how to fix “bad interpreter” error

During bash script execution on Linux, it might happen to face the following error: This often happens when the executed script (in the above example, the “configure” file) has been edited on a Windows OS with an editor who saved it with DOS (CR + LF) line endings instead of Unix (LF) ones. The quickest way to

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09 Jul 2015

How to upgrade Windows Server 2003 to 2008

Suppose you have a server with an old Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system and you want to upgrade it to a newer Windows Server 2008 or 2012 version. Some of you may have tried and found that the following procedure described by Microsoft can hide a lot of untold

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02 Jul 2015

Microsoft Products – End of support timeline

Below is the timeline of the support lifecycle for the major Microsoft products. There are two types of end of support, mainstream and extended: after the first one, no more operating system Service Packs will be released, while the second one marks the end of the release for the more important security updates, which are

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01 Jul 2015

How to configure an email account on Android

Configuring your e-mail accounts on Android devices can be the simplest task in the world, if your email address is associated with a server supporting auto-configuration. Otherwise, the procedure is a bit more complex and is detailed below. To configure an e-mail account on any device, you need essentially 3 information:

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28 Apr 2015

Best WordPress plugins

Advanced Custom Fields lets you customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields. Contact Form 7 is the best and most used contact form WordPress plugin. Simple but flexible. Custom Favicon allows you to upload custom favicon and Apple touch icon for your website and WordPress Dashboard using built-in media uploader. Custom
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11 Apr 2015

Windows 10 Technical Preview – March 2015 offline ISO

Offline ISO for Windows 10 Technical Preview March 2015 update (build 10041) is now available for download. Windows 10 Technical Preview (TP) is the test version release by Microsoft of its new operating system, that can be pre-installed despite numerous bugs still present, for which Microsoft already releases periodically cumulative updates. To
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04 Apr 2015

Best Android Apps

Adobe Reader is the free undisputed leader application for reliable interaction and visualization of PDF files on Android phones and tablets. AirDroid allows you to access your Android phone/tablet and manage it via wireless from Windows, Mac or Web, viewing on a computer screen calls, text messages, contacts and application notifications. In this
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03 Apr 2015

Microsoft Outlook: backup and restore data

You may need to transfer e-mails stored in Microsoft Outlook from one PC to another, or to restore them on the same PC once reinstalled the OS. In this process, you may notice (maybe too late) that after migrating something has been lost: address book, autocomplete, e-mail accounts, signatures, etc… Well, in

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